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Sustainable Food

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As long as we are producing food that degrades our natural resources, we are diminishing the opportunities for generations to come to produce and flourish. 


We at Honey B's Eatery will work hard to serve only food that meets certain criteria. We do acknowledge that there may be circumstances where we are not able to get the product we hope or the price is out of our range. In this case, we will let you know so you can make an informed choice.


We would love for you to read and learn more about Sustainable Agriculture and the many benefits. Please visit some of our chosen links below and help us preserve our environment, protect public health, sustain economically vibrant opportunities and uphold animal welfare.

"Social, economic, and environmental sustainability are closely intertwined and necessary components for a truly sustainable agriculture. For example, farmers faced with poverty are often forced to mine natural resources like soil fertility to make ends meet, even though environmental degradation may hurt their livelihoods in the long run. Only by creating policies that integrate social, environmental, and economic interests can societies promote more sustainable agricultural systems."

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